Please Note
The age reference for each shoe is just a rough guide. To get a size that fits as accurately as possible, please follow the steps outlined in this page.
Please allow 0.5-1 cm extra for the perfect fit. For example: Your baby's foot was 11cm, you would get a shoe that fits 12cm comfortably.
How To Measure Their Foot
Step 1: Prepare
Begin by grabbing a piece of paper, a pencil or pen and a ruler to measure the foot length.
Place the piece of paper hard up against the wall, with their heel also up against the wall (at the edge of the paper).

Step 2: Outline The Foot
Next, trace the precise shape of your baby's foot. Make sure their toes are out straight, and not curled.
Be sure to keep your drawing utensil directly up and down, and not angled (as shown in the image).

Step 3: Measure The Foot Length
Finally, once you have traced their exact foot shape... use a ruler to accurately measure the length of the foot.
Be sure to keep the ruler extremely straight (as shown in image).

Choosing The Correct Size
Once you have gone through all the steps of measuring their foot, use the table provided to choose the perfect size for your baby.
The left column indicates baby's age (which is shown on the product page).
The second and third column will correspond to the measurements you have just recorded. For example: if your baby's foot was 4.9 Inches, you would choose a 19-24 Month size as this will allow healthy wiggle room and room for growth.